• How to Install Temporary Concrete Barriers to Protect Your Workplace

    If you are responsible for maintaining the road network inside a private development, then you may be getting ready to embark on a significant improvement project alongside one of the busiest streets. You'll want to cause as little disruption as possible to everyone concerned but will also want to make sure that your workers are as safe as possible while the work is ongoing. What is the best way to ensure their protection while allowing traffic to proceed without too much chaos?
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  • 4 Concrete Projects to Consider for a Stunning Modern Home

    For the industrial modernist at heart, the good old concrete is the go-to material for a touch of textural contrast to smoother and more polished finishes. Infinitely customisable, concrete doesn't discriminate spaces or purpose and can make a beautiful modern home once you look past the popular misconception of being too dull-looking.  Here are a few clever ways you can incorporate concrete in and around your home. 1. Kitchen Countertops
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