Important Tips for Successfully Handling Your Own Concrete Cutting
Posted on: 29 March 2016
Core or concrete cutting can be handled by homeowners on their own, but cutting through concrete is not like cutting through wood or any other such common material. It's vital that you understand how to cut through concrete properly before you even begin, so you know the work will be successful and you don't wind up causing damage to your garage floor, basement wall, and the like. Note some important tips for successfully handling your own core drilling at home and remember to call a contractor if the work gets too complicated or isn't proceeding according to plans.
1. Take regular breaks
One reason you don't want to start cutting concrete and then keep cutting without a break is that the saw blades you need for concrete often get very warm. Since concrete is so abrasive and can be difficult to cut, this makes the blades hotter than if you were cutting through wood or another soft, porous material. It's vital that you break from your work regularly so you can rinse off the saw blades and allow them to get cooler as needed; this will keep your saws from overheating and ensure that you don't damage the blades themselves.
2. Go slow
You don't need to force the saw blade through the concrete as you would with other materials, but it's good to go slow and allow the blade to do most of the work. Trying to push the saw blade through concrete can cause damage to the blade and, because the concrete is tough and strong and resists this type of pressure, cause injury if the blade should get pushed back toward you. Work slowly when core drilling or concrete cutting so the blade can work to cut it without damage, and to protect you in the process.
3. Know if there are other materials to be cut
When cutting through concrete, there may be rebar underneath the surface as well as wood for a home frame and other such materials. A saw blade used for concrete may not be the right blade to use for these types of materials and you might splinter the wood or not be able to cut through rebar. If there are other materials under the surface of concrete, it's good to stop your cutting and note if you need to change blades so you can cut everything without causing damage to the materials or your equipment.